Facial Recognition of Disease

Often times we wait until the condition of our health and well being is unbearable and life threatening before we recognize something is wrong. At that point, for many people, it is too late. For others, it is the wake up call to do things differently

However, before things get to those extreme points of things like surgeries, recommendations of drugs, and other costly treatments, our faces give indication to organs systems within our body that are stressed and or diseased; perhaps detoxing or needing to detox. Most importantly, our faces will give us indication of where we need to focus our proactive and restorative healthcare measures.

Whatever the case may be, using the facial chart to recognize your cellph or loved ones enables us to become more actively cellph aware of the body and response ability towards the direction we need to focus on to do what is necessary to bring things within our temples back into harmony and optimal state of well being aka equilibrium.

With that being said, one can only imagine the total dis service that many of these facial treatments are doing to people who have extremes bouts of acne on their faces. Getting these “breakouts” cleared is only dealing with the tip of the iceberg The physical manifestation (effect) of acne has points of origins (root causes) that makes the individual more responsible for shifting to a lifestyle that is more conducive with their temples.

Most indication of dis ease and stress with the organs are a direct result toxic environmental factors. More specifically it indicates of an over accumulation of toxic substances; whether it be common “food” like substances like fast food, or even beverages ranging from soda to starbucks.

When the body cannot get rid of toxic substances efficiently enough, you end up with tissue and organ failure. I.e. kidney failure and dialysis. Dialysis filters your temple toxic fluids because your temple can no longer do it. Naturally this is a process called the Urea cycle and deamination occurs

What we are not saying is that if you have pimples or blemishes on your faces that you have kidney failure, however for those whose tissues and organs have begin deteriorating and failing, these signs were the signs of their times long overlooked perhaps for years leading up to their extreme dis eased states of being . that are way more costly in the long run.

Feel free to screenshot the Facial Chart and start learning how to notice & read yourcellph and other people state of health by memory

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