• Indigenous Food Science-Molecular Bio Nutrition

    ​Molecular Bio-Nutrition © ® What are the foods that provide nutrition on the atomic and molecular level. First we hold that there is only 1 Creator and that we are Temples of Light therefore our foods should be solar and most often tropical plants. This is the basis of the Phototropic diet and Nitrogen Reduction Diet (NRD Diet) © ® as taught by The Aboriginal Medical Association .

  • If the following foods are eaten daily at the appropriate times 12pm-8pm, then you WILL NEVER GET SICK!!!

    1. Prayer Meditation – Although not thought of as a food, prayer and meditation actually feed the neuro-endocrine system and thus every cell of the body. The act of peaceful relaxation attunes the body to the primordial ethers (dark energy) and feeds the cells cold fusion…This one acts reduces stress and refocuses the mind so it can program the body. Without this action healing can ALWAYS BE HALTED.

    2.Sunlight – A direct food of photons to the 13th system, the electromagnetic body, and thus food to all cells of the body, which are regulated by electromagnetic fields. Try our Solar gazing exercises. Regulates the pineal gland and all circadian rhythms. Sunlight is modified ether. Cancer cannot exist when the body is exposed to 380 nanometer waves (See Research of German Scientist Fritz Pop). This is called the ultraviolet frequency which is emitted by the Sun. Exposure to Sunlight protects Indigenous Peoples from all forms of cancer if they mix it with the Aboriginal Diet.

    3. Air- Element used to initiate the GNRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone – Cycle) in the brain and sets the frequency for the hypothalamus and pituitary thus all glands, Air in modified Sunlight and can kill all funguses. See the Research of Louis Pasteur. Fermentation was proven to be removed when the environment was exposed to oxygen.

    4. Water- The retainer of memory and fashioner of matter via minerals in the body. Water is restructured in the mitochondria of the cells and is The quintessential fuel of the body. Water attenuates (absorbs) Air and Sunlight and regulates the speeding up of electromagnetic communications. Water is used to build all bodily tissues. All diseases are a result of ‘body draught’, which essentially means one is dehydrated. Only nature can make water and thus real water is in plants.

    5. Watermelon -Food of the Gods. Eat the Black Seeds, Red Meat of the Fruit, and the Green rind. Chlorophyll (magnesium builder for all mitochondria energy sources in cells), Natural water and Ultimate hydrator, Black seeds contain all trace minerals including carbon, iron, copper, zinc, calcium, magnesium and all other minerals. Increases manganese, which produces strong sperm and ovum. We have used this remedy for effective sterility issues after excessive damage to both male and female reproductive organs. Watermelons with no seeds have a manganese inhibitor gene and can cause sterility.

    6. Blueberries-dark berries – These berries have high oxygen content and plant melanin’s (carbon) that build immunity digestion and are THE most important brain food. The Anthocyanins and Polyphenols are the plant melanins that can keep your immunity energy and vitality at optimal levels

    7. Hemp plant and seeds – The best tissue builder on the planet. Can also be used for making shoes and clothing. Used also as an external antiseptic for skin rashes, cuts and bruises. The only real usable protein (properly termed tertiary carboxylate salts/ tertiary amines) are in plants. Generically speaking proteins are POISONS! Soak hemp seeds for 2-24 hours to reduce phytic acid.

    8. Quinoa- The second best tissue builder on the planet – 2 types, use the black or reddish purple color quinoa or the tan colored quinoa if that is all that is available. This is also the place to get your so-called protein (properly termed tertiary carboxylate salts/ tertiary amines).

    9. Burdock Leaves Flower and Roots – Blood builder # 1 in North America

    10. Romaine Lettuce – Chromium and magnesium powerhouse, great retainer of water, strengthens the entire system especially the alimentary tract. Stops corrosion of tissues and excellent hydrator

    11. Red Onions- Almost identical in structure to human nerves, absolutely necessary in regiment for strong nervous system.

    12. Sea Moss & Dulse – Master supplements, when mixed with Hemp milk. Contains all earth minerals. Ultimate supplement. Takes away need for hybrid vitamin supplements.

    13. Ginger- A cure all for any alimentary tract issues and food absorption to make healthy blood in the villa of the intestines. Kills all intestinal flukes.

    14. Dates – The natural sweetener of the planet and a powerful iron carbon builder for electro-magnetic blood and improving absorption.

  • AMA’s 14 Most Powerful Foods & Dietary Classification System –

    Class 0: Specialized fasting

    Class A: Fruitarian

    Class B: Fruits and Vegetables (non-cooked)

    Class C: Vegan- adding soaked and lightly cooked grains

    Class D, E,F : Starchatarian (Processed Food Like Substances)-Disease Diet, Flesh Eaters-Disease Diet, Drug Intake-Disease Diet


    Individuals with specific health ailments such as HIV, Herpes, Fibroids, and other chronic Illnesses, it is NOT advised that you go by this list in its entirety as certain things on this list will need to be avoided until such ailments are cleared. This is a scientific approach to eating, and is not based on Trends or Eurocentric standardize model for nutrition.. Please Consult with us for Additional information.

  • Fruit

    Blackberries, Blueberries, Mulberries, Currants, Prunes, Cherries, Mangoes, Peaches, Apples, Avocado, Limes/Keylimes, Lemons, Tangerines, Mandarins, Pomelos, Grapefruits, Kumquats, Blood Oranges, Oranges, Kiwi, Pears, Plums, Passion Fruit, Jackfruit, Breadfruit, Watermelon, Pomegranate, Soursop, Cheramoya(sweetsop), Guava, Black Sapota, Rambutans, Dragonfruit, Pineapples, Tamarinds, Coconut, Grapes, Figs, Dates, Cantaloupe, Papaya, Banana (All except Cavendish, if that's all that's available get organic)

  • Vegetables

    Romaine Lettuce, Endives, Water Cress, Arugula, Cucumbers, Celery, Leeks, Wild Spinach (Molokhia or Malabar), Asparagus, Sweet Potatoes (Purple are best),Radishes, Burdock Root (AKA Gobo), Yam, Lotus Root, Turnip Greens, Dandelion Greens, Turmeric, Ginger, Calaloo, Seaweed (Nori, Kelp, Wakame, Arame, Hijiki, Mekabu, Tropical Seamoss, Dulse), Cilantro, Parsley, Dill, Leeks, Zucchini, Kelp Noodles, Okra, Red Onions, Aloe Vera, Squash (Butternut, Kabocha, and Spaghetti, Acorn, Pumpkin, Calabaza), Chives, Scallions, Potatoes (Red, Golden/Yellow, and Purple), Chayote, Jalapenos, Bell Peppers

    The Following must be cooked before consuming: Beets, Rutabaga, , Chard, Purslane, Kale (Dino/Lacinato Kale ONLY), Cherry and Roma Tomatoes

  • Grains & Beans

    Quinoa, Kaniwa, Wild Rice, Black Rice aka Forbidden Rice, Amaranth, Teff, Kamut, Blue/Purple Maize, Fonio, Chickpeas, Navy Beans, Black Turtle Beans.

  • Nuts & Seeds

    Pumpkin Seeds, Chia Seeds, Watermelon Seeds, Black seeds, Black Sesame Seeds, Sunflower seeds, Hemp Seeds, Brazil Nuts, Cacao (Natural Chocolate), Almonds Sprouted are the best

    These can be used to also make Butters and Milks (Soak nuts and Seeds in Lime or alkaline water before eating)

  • Meats

    Chilean Sea Bass, Salmon (sockeye salmon is best), Nile Perch, Tuna, Red Snapper, Bison/Buffalo, Venison, Elk, Clams, Oysters

    No Farmed meat, only wild caught aka CARBON BASED

  • Sweeteners & Salts

    Agave, Stevia, Monk Fruit, Maple Syrup, Honey, Date Sugar, Coconut Sugar, Coconut Palm Nectar, Black Lava Salt, Sea Salt.


    Table Salt, Dairy (All Animal Milks) , Kombucha Fermented Drinks, Soy (Tempeh, Tofu, & Misou), Mushrooms (All Varieties), Peanuts, Oils (Vegetable, Soy, & Canola), Beef, Chicken, Goat, Pig, Eggs, Marshmallows, Wheat, White and refined Sugars, Flours, Bread, and Pastas, Flaxseeds, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower, Yucca/Cassava, Yeast (Includes nutritional Yeast) Beer, Wine with sulfites, Artificial Sweeteners, Shrimp, Crab, Lobster, Fish (Tilapia, Whiting, Catfish, Cod)

  • Why Avoid? Why Consume?

    Food that does not assimilate into the bloodstream, accumulates elsewhere. This accumulation is the reason why people have kidney failure (can not pump out toxins enough). Plaque build up and hardening of veins (arteriosclerosis) , poor circulation, erectile dysfunction, etc are a result of food like items not assimilating into blood properly. So they cause loss of vitality and proper flow elsewhere leading to degenerative disease.