Don’t Judge Me, Please Do

Often times we here expressions like “only God can judge me” and “I don’t judge” , and “They judge people”. The fact of the matter is judgment is an inescapable part of our God given nature and mathematical minds.

To judge is to effectuate the highest reality of ones applied cellph awareness. Why? because the most crucial aspect of judging is observation. When observing something, one is brought into higher levels of awareness. So then it is said to “Observe without judgment” which can be delusional or perhaps ignorantly blissful.

In one example a female animal will choose to mate with her male counterpart only after judging the most suitable candidate perhaps after the battle between males to see whose assertive dominance is greater, and for that female it animal it translates to which male counterpart will give stronger offspring, thus the expression “Survival of the fittest” . Fortunately, we are in fact that primal in some degrees, However it is still essential that we judge ourcellphs and those around us accordingly.

The distinction about when or how to judge someone most appropriately exists on a very fine and thin line between;

  • judging someone (or your cellph) into condemnation,

  • vs. judging your cellph (or someone else) righteously.

Judging with Condemnation

To judge one with or into condemnation is often what most people do. This what is meant when it is said “Don’t judge me” etc. The point is the result of judgment becomes the justification of they treat someone more or less than who they are. Many people judge people into condemnation, insinuating that their dysfunctional issue is something they will never be able to evolve out of. They talk about them in a way that is degrading, destructive, and deconstructive. It is more than just “calling a Spade a Spade”. It is full of negative NRG.

Judging Righteously

Judging someone righteously translates to you holding them accountable. It translate to addressing the matter for constructive purposes; judging them that they may do better. Perhaps it is a standard they have or you know they will respect you later on life for holding them to. This can and often does equally become a gray area, especially in this current society that is socially engineered manipulatively, as far as what is the acceptable standard to hold someone towards and use as a generalization . The only accepted standard that we can use as tool of measuring our behavior is that of Nature and the Natural Law prescribed therein. You may provide them support in the

Either way judging happens inevitably , and truth be told we dont judge one another enough effectively. Instead we do things things very destructively, like assume without without asking and silently participate and perpetuate others delusional realities of ignorance.

As it relates to our health and well being (mentally, physically, & spiritually) , achieving most optimal states and quality of experience in this life is heavily predicated on our ability to observe, judge and correct ourcellphs accordingly. The most important thing about judgment whether it be internal or external is the response ability to correct our cellphs .

The ugly reality of this sequence is most times uncomfortable and most people would rather not. It is so uncomfortable that many people would rather remain ignorant and not know any better because to follow that nature is to give up the one they are comfortably stuck in. Growth is uncomfortable, and challenges the idea and reality of who we perceive ourcellphs to be.

Without further ado,

Don’t Judge Me, Please Do

Written by Ja’El


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