Oxygen Deprivation or Mask Off?

Dr. Henry Otto Warburg was awarded a noble peace prize in 1923 for proving that cancer cannot exist in well oxygenated tissues. Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen level it becomes cancerous within an acidic environment. How many people have contracted a form of cancer, since adhering to certain mandates and recommendation in the name of public health and safety.

“ All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen (anaerobic respiration)- a rule without exception.”

“Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous”

Dr. Warburg has made it clear that the prime cause is oxygen deficiency (brought on by toxemia via acidic environments). Discovering that cancerous cells are anaerobic ( do not breath other oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. Cancerous tissues are are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. Thus the emphasis of an “Alkaline Diet” . Alkaline and acidity are a measure oon on a scale indicating the percentage of Hydrogen present. An excess of H+ indicates acidity. An indication of OH- ions , indicates alkalinity. These compounds naturally exist as water (H20) splits into H+ and OH- ions.

Mask Initiation. A global Ritual

Take a very deep breath if your were initiated into this global ritual ?

see GHETTO Translation Below

How is it possible  you were possibly initiated into a ritual by voluntarily Wearing masks?.  Through telL a vision were they had you tuned into channels. News channels that is, that released traumatizing spirits of FEAR, many of which we are affected by still

But hold on lets take a few scattered steps back. Quite a few . You’ll easily connect the dots thoroughly.

All throughout ancient texts, needless to say the etymology of “spirit” means breath . The meaning of the Hebrew word ruach is "breath," or "wind," or "spirit.

" In Scripture, the word is applied both to human beings and to God. Depending on the context, ruach can be talking about a person's emotional state of being, or their soul or spirit. Pneuma is the greek etymological equivalent to Ruach .

 Somebody say pneumonia.

Ammonia is nitrogen (NH4) . Speaking of nitrogen alot of your foods are nitrogenous. Nitrogen is the kryptonite of health, especially for the melanated body. When there is too much nitrogen in the body, its called toxemia and the kidneys; normally filter the toxic waste out. For someone who is experiencing kidney failure/disease and thus the need to going onto dialysis , which is a machine that filters and removes the toxins in your blood that can kill you if kidney fail.

Sad thing is the same doctor that you trust and believe in does not recommend you stay aware from the causes of these dis eased affect, but rather that doctor has you getting on dialysis; and still gives you a list of foods to eat, the same ones that cause the over the toxicity of your body in the first place (animal flesh, dairy, eggs,etc) . They are obviously in the business of disease and suffering for money and not your well being to get healed.  Allow me to digress.

“Mind over matter. 

Spirit over Flesh.”

This is why only fear would cause you to worry of this flesh . Then allowing your flesh to dictate your behavior, especially towards others. If you’re so worried about possibly spreading a virus to effect somone else, direct that same energy into detoxing  the parasitic environment most of you have within your bodies especially if you participate in the standard American diet, that enables the perfect envrionment and growth of such a possibility for viruses to live and multiply itscellph with your temple.

Improve your diet, which ultimately would prevent your body from being in a condition to transport viruses that can kill others, or so they say.

Okay if you really want to be the best version of yourcellph and not solely to the benefit your cellph but for those around you , for others then  do yourcellph and others a favor and

  1. Don’t just proactively half icee your preventive measure with some little cotton masks that cant even filter the odor of a fart that had to pass through your draws and pants in order to reach your nasal cavity. I assure you if you smell your gas through your underwear, a mask is not stopping a virus

  2.   Adhere to the greater responsibility of making more conscious decisions about what types of food you consume. so that your immune system will no longer remain in such a immuno compromised state.

    Interesting they will be now be using HIV test for covid now going forward. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

    Food for thought.

Okay now back to the word and this ritual most of yall got initiated with 

. “And the word was with God.” You are the living Word”

Beloved you are re THE LIVING WORD!!

In the book of Number 27:16 God. . . gives breath [ruach] to all living things" Genesis 2:7 When God created Adam, He breathed into Adam's nostrils and "man became a living creature" (Genesis 2:7). Job 27:3 he mentions the same breath of life as that which keeps him alive, saying "as long as my breath is in me, and the spirit [ruach] of God is in my nostrils" .

I think you got it , if you continued this far.

Hmm, so how many ?, Worldwide were initiated into the realm of death , for Such mind-altering behavior was achieved through repetition channeling misinformation and spirits of Fear to the point of shifting economical aspects. 

“so the cabalistic aspect of it is being told multiple times what is the truth and what is not the truth . Fuaci recommended lockdown and then said there is no reason he should be wearing a mask. point of the mask represents multiple things ….. Symbolic of masking your freedom  of speech and the Spirit of The Living God “   

The initiate is a willing participant who has no knowledge of what is happening


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