mRNA Vaccines: NanoBot Technology Intro to Trans-Humanism + Natural Detox

Image generated using Dall-E 2 , Open AI generative imaging. Description used: . Description:A futuristic nanoworld: The central image is a transparent human silhouette filled with a dazzling starry sky, representing the body's universe of cells.

In today's blog post, we're navigating into the foundation of trans-humanism beginning with the global experiment utilizing mRNA technology disguised as the safest route to pro Active health measures. The biological nanobot technology used in these vaccines has piqued the interest of scientists, researchers, and the general public. This journey leads us to shed light on the concerning aspects of these vaccines and to present Spike Off, an innovative herbal remedy formulated by the Aboriginal Medical Association and specifically designed to address these concerns.

mRNA Vaccines: Beyond the Visible

Image generated using Dall-E 2 , Open AI generative imaging. Description used: . Description: “mRNA Vaccines_ Beyond the Visible Abstract portrayal of mRNA strand unraveling into proteins, amidst dark, mysterious background.”

mRNA is the key ingredient in these vaccines. These vaccines are revolutionary in the sense that they use mRNA to instruct our body's cells to produce a spike protein that triggers our immune system to respond. This response prepares us to fight off the actual virus. However, there's more going on beneath the surface.

The mRNA in these vaccines is enclosed within lipid nanoparticles, but these are not just simple carriers. They are a form of nanotechnology with programmable capabilities. This nanotechnology can reprogram cells to manufacture synthetic toxins, posing a serious question: What does this mean for our health and our bodies in the long run?

Pardi, N., Hogan, M. J., Porter, F. W., & Weissman, D. (2018). mRNA vaccines — a new era in vaccinology. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 17(4), 261–279.

A Deeper Dive into the Nanotech Quandary


Image generated using Dall-E 2, Open AI generative imaging. Description used: A Deeper Dive into the Nanotech Quandary Graphene sheets layered, suggesting nanomaterial's thin yet robust structure. Interwoven with shadows and light, embodying complexity and intrigue.

In the quest to uncover the truth about mRNA vaccines, the use of graphene oxide, a nanomaterial, has sparked global debates. Graphene oxide has the capacity to create electromagnetic fields within the body, a startling revelation in the context of mRNA vaccines.

Evidence such as Pfizer's internal documents and the studies conducted by scientists worldwide point to the use of graphene oxide in engineering nanoparticle technologies and spike proteins. This striking information was initially denied by health authorities, making it even more important to scrutinize and understand the implications of graphene oxide in mRNA vaccines.

Graphene oxide has been a topic of discussion in the context of mRNA vaccines and for good reason. As mentioned in the 2023 documentary "Final Days," graphene oxide can be as thin as a single atom thick and is a great conductor of electromagnetic fields when merged with non-human proteins. This has led to the suggestion that the mRNA vaccine can turn our bodies into programmed devices emitting Bluetooth signals.

In fact, at 51:05 in the documentary, it is stated that the mainstream media will claim that graphene oxide has amazing antibacterial and antiviral effects. However, this is a lie. The truth is that graphene oxide has the potential for Bluetooth MAC address functionality, which is a cause for concern.

MAC addresses are unique identifiers assigned to network interfaces for communications on a physical network segment. The fact that graphene oxide has the potential for Bluetooth MAC address functionality means that it can be used to track and monitor individuals who have received the mRNA vaccine. We have all seen the term MAC address over years, perhaps decades now, but what does that even stand for?

MAC is the acronym for Media Access Control. This raises serious concerns about privacy and surveillance.

In the 2023 documentary "Final Days," a team of scientists and doctors conducted an experiment to measure the effects of mRNA vaccines on individuals. They used equipment in a secluded open field forest to measure individuals who were vaccinated versus those who were not. The results were alarming.

The team found that individuals who had received the mRNA vaccine emitted Bluetooth signals that the equipment could pick up. This was not limited to the open field forest, as they even went to a graveyard and picked up signals from individuals they knew were vaccinated.

The implications of this experiment are profound. It suggests that individuals who have received the mRNA vaccine can be tracked and monitored through their Bluetooth signals. This raises serious concerns about privacy, surveillance, and the potential for control and manipulation.

The use of Bluetooth signals to track and monitor individuals who have received the mRNA vaccine is just one of the many alarming revelations surrounding these vaccines. It is important to continue to investigate and question the true intentions behind the development and distribution of mRNA vaccines.

Liu, Z., & Liu, B. (2021). Graphene Oxide Enabling Ultrasensitive Detection of Biomolecules for Biomedical Diagnostics: Fundamentals and Progress. ACS Materials Letters, 3(11), 1788–1796.


mRNA Vaccines: Devices, Not Drugs?


Image generated using Dall-E 2, Open AI generative imaging. Description used: mRNA Vaccines: Devices, Not Drugs? An intricate juxtaposition of medical instruments and vaccine vials, alluding to mRNA vaccines' device classification. A muted palette, amplifying mystery.

Did you know that mRNA vaccines are classified as devices, not drugs, according to the FDA's 21 US Code 351 A two B? The definition of a device, as per the FDA, is an instrument, apparatus, machine, or contrivance that affects the structure or function of the body without relying on chemical action within the body. This intriguing classification of mRNA vaccines raises even more concerns about the potential impacts they can have on the body's natural functions.

Building on the knowledge that mRNA vaccines are considered devices and not drugs, as per FDA's 21 US Code 351 A two B, it's essential to reflect on what this implies. By this definition, mRNA vaccines work more akin to a software update for your body's cells, instructing them to perform new tasks, rather than providing the typical pharmaceutical intervention we're accustomed to. While innovative, this approach also underscores a new realm of uncertainty.

This vaccine's working mechanism raises pivotal questions: What are the long-term effects of this "biological programming"? Does the reprogramming stop after the vaccine has served its purpose, or could there be a persistent alteration in our cellular functions? More so, how could these changes affect our natural immunity, our genetic integrity, or our overall health in the years to come?

When faced with these uncertainties, it's logical to seek solutions that may offset potential side effects and safeguard our health. Detoxification, in this context, becomes an appealing prospect. The decision to detox is not just about immediate health concerns; it's about taking a proactive step in preserving your health for the long haul amidst these unknowns.

FDA. (2021). 21 U.S. Code § 351 - Adulterated drugs and devices.

Dystopian Sci-Fi or Our Near Future?

Image generated using Dall-E 2, Open AI generative imaging. Description used: Dystopian Sci-Fi or Our Near Future? Blurred lines between human silhouette and circuit board, embodying transhumanism. Futuristic cityscape in the background, suggesting a dystopian future.

The prospect that mRNA vaccines could potentially turn your body into a programmable device emitting a Bluetooth signal might sound like a plot from a dystopian sci-fi movie, but it's a very real possibility.In fact its not a possibility. It is demonstrated in real time in the documentary “Final Days” released May 31st of 2023.

Now this seriously brings up concerns about surveillance and control in an increasingly connected world. 

Coupled with the notion of 'directed evolution', or forcing non-human genetic mutations into our genome, we are stepping into the realm of transhumanism. This concept poses significant ethical and societal questions that demand careful consideration.

Bostrom, N. (2005). A History of Transhumanist Thought. Journal of Evolution and Technology, 14(1), 1-25.

Introducing Spike OFF: The Potential Game-Changer


In the face of these complex challenges and revelations, we bring you Spike Off. This potent herbal product has been specifically designed to detox your body from the contents of mRNA vaccinations. The key to Spike Off lies in its unique blend of herbs known to inhibit the growth and replication of the viral spike protein.

Spike Off works to impede the function of Methionine (AUG), the start codon used excessively by mRNA vaccines. Its unique formulation offers a comprehensive detox solution via three treatment modalities: sublingual, inhalation, and sunbathing. 

  1. Strekalova, E., Malin, D., Good, D. M., & Cryns, V. L. (2015). Methionine Deprivation Induces a Targetable Vulnerability in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells by Enhancing TRAIL Receptor-2 Expression. Clinical cancer research, 21(12), 2780–2791.

  2. Kozak, M. (1986). Point mutations define a sequence flanking the AUG initiator codon that modulates translation by eukaryotic ribosomes. Cell, 44(2), 283-292.

  3. Gao, X., Sanderson, S. M., Dai, Z., Reid, M. A., Cooper, D. E., Lu, M., ... & Locasale, J. W. (2019). Dietary methionine influences therapy in mouse cancer models and alters human metabolism. Nature, 572(7769), 397-401.

Your Call to Action

As we navigate the nano world and unravel the hidden aspects of mRNA vaccines, it's crucial to remember that our health is our greatest asset. We invite you to explore and invest in Spike Off.

By choosing this innovative product, you're taking a proactive step toward mitigating the potential impacts of these vaccines


Regretfully Concerned: Covid-19 Vaccine Detox Solution


Why Does it even Maca?